Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monkey Free!

Unencumbered by monkey!

That's what you'll be for the rest of 2012, monkeylovers. 'Cause we're taking a break to take care of business what is not ape-related for the remainder of the year.

We'll be back in January with more monkey mayhem. Promises! Until then, have a lurvely December and a whole lot of happy holiday type things and whatnot!

Monkeymen out!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Behind! The! Monkey!


Good day and good tidings ape'o'holics!

It's the middle of the week and a backstage peek!

Here's a page o' process for ya:

Rock on!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Hammer - complete layouts

You know what? It's been a while since we did anything Hammer related on the ol' überblog.

Lots of monkeys, very few bunnies. So just for hee-haws and jollies, I'm gonna post the entire Hammer saga in layout form. The interesting thing about these layouts is that I never drew Calvin as an actual bunny. That was all Gabe. And thank Jebus for that.

Anyhoo, here they is. The Hammer sketches in their entirety.

And there you have it! Ah, those were the days...

See ya next time, monkeybunnies!