.Good friday, Monkeylovers!
It's time for another peek...
BEHIND THE MONKEY!That's right, it's that exciting portion of the Monkeybunnyüberblog experience where we take a peek under the skirts of the Monkeymen and see if they really go commando.
Let's breakdown the process of page 30, shall we?
SCRIPT:Page 30Panel 1
Long panel, long shot. Monkeyface walks down the sidewalk. There are a few other pedestrians. The pack of about a dozen Ninjas spin and cartwheel over the rooftops and fire escapes of the neighborhood brownstones, trailing their prey.
Panel 2
Close on Monkeyface as he turns a corner. Worm's eye view. Up and over MF's shoulder we can see the ninjas leaping across the buildings, still on his trail.
Panel 3
Over the shoulder shot of the ninjas on the corner of a building. Monkeyface is now walking down a deserted side street - street lamps throwing pools of light in the gloom. One of the Ninjas draws back a bow and arrow, aiming at Monkeyface.
Panel 4
An arrow whizzes toward an oblivious Monkeyface.
SFX: Fffffffft
Panel 5
At the last second, Monkeyface whirls and catches the arrow in his fist.
Panel 6
Angle on the ninjas, all of them pulling back their bowstrings.
PENCILS (and gray tones):
And there you have it! The final version with colors (well,
one color) is just a few posts below).
That's it for this edition of
BEHIND THE MONKEY!Join us next time, whenever we get around to doing it again!